
Budget-Friendly Tips for Keeping Your Home Tidy After Getting a Puppy

by Semify
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For newlyweds that want to add fun to their lives, nothing is better than having a puppy. Many newlyweds and young couples view puppies as their family. In fact, 33% of millennials bought their first home because they wanted space and a yard for their dog! However, it’s no secret that having a pup around can sometimes make it difficult to keep the house clean. When you’re trying to balance work, marriage, and owning a home, finding time for housekeeping can be challenging. Here are tips for couples to stay on top of housework after getting a puppy.

Set a Routine

Owning and training a puppy is all about routine. The better training and more routine your puppy has, the less likely it’ll be to create a mess in the home. Set up a routine that works for you, your spouse, and your pup. Make sure everyone is on board with cleaning the house daily or weekly so it stays tidy and organized. For instance, depending on your feeding schedule, you may want to split meals into two to three meals a day for your puppy. Meal times are excellent for training and cleaning up afterward.

Create a Dog Space

When you have an energetic puppy, creating a designated area for them in the house is essential. This way, they can play, sleep, and eat in the same space without disrupting your home. Make sure this area is easy to clean up after and that you keep all their toys, food, and any other items in this space. This will help cut down on messes throughout the rest of your home.

Consider investing in an octagon that is big enough to keep your puppy safe, but also small enough to not allow them to have messes. You can also use a crate, which dogs naturally don’t want to soil. With these two tools, you can easily train your pup to go to their designated area and minimize messes.

Clean Up After Playtime

Playtime is an important part of bonding with your puppy. However, it can also create a lot of mess around the house. Make sure you clean up after playtime, picking up any toys or food that may have been dropped. Vacuum any accumulated fur and wipe any dirt off of walls or furniture.

You can also opt for professional carpet cleaning, which can remove up to 98% of pollutants and dirt! In between deep cleanings, consider shopping for a cheap foam or carpet-cleaning solution that you can use to clean up messes quickly and easily.

Most newlyweds with new homes don’t want a stained carpet. To avoid set stains, clean up messes as soon as they happen. If your pup has an accident, clean it up with a paper towel and a cleaning solution right away to avoid the stain setting in.

Stay Organized

After you’ve established a routine for your puppy, stay organized by having a regular cleaning schedule for yourself and your spouse. Put reminders on the fridge or in the bathrooms so that both of you remember when it’s time to clean. Having an organized home will make it easier for newlyweds to keep up with the messes that their pup will undoubtedly create.

In addition, get smart and protect your valuables and other things your puppy can get into when you’re not looking. For instance, use wooden covers for any furniture with sharp edges, cover electrical outlets, and keep hazardous items such as chemicals well out of reach.

By following these budget-friendly tips, you can keep your home tidy while still having a happy and healthy puppy! Your pup is an important part of your life, and it’s important to make sure they are taken care of and given the love they deserve.

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