
Simple Home Security Measures to Take

by Semify
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When it comes to your home, it is imperative that it’s safe and secure for the well-being of you and your family. Texas had approximately 27,000 cases of felony theft pending in its courts during the year 2020. These theft offense cases represented a significant number of ongoing legal proceedings throughout the state. Also, there were over 460,000 thefts reported in the state of Texas during the same year. 

When it comes to home security, it has been reported that about 32% of the clicks in Google searches go to the first desktop search result. When looking online for increased security measures, there are several simple and affordable yet effective measures you can take to protect your property and your loved ones from potential intruders. Listed below are some key steps that you can implement at your own house to increase your overall security and safety for you and your family.

Install Deadbolt Locks

You should definitely install deadbolt locks on all of your exterior doors if they do not already have them. This is because deadbolts add an extra layer of protection, since they make it more difficult for burglars to gain entry into your home. You should definitely choose higher quality deadbolt locks that extend at least one inch into the door frame to get the most protection possible from this type of lock.

Reinforce Windows

According to EarthWeb, married couples tend to undertake home improvements more frequently than people who are single. This may mean that more married couples who have children or who are planning on having children want a higher level of security for their homes than other people may. You can strengthen the security of your windows by ensuring that they have strong locks or even key-operated window locks. These types of devices can prevent intruders from being able to open your windows and gain access to your apps. You can also use security film or laminated glass to increase the security of your home since it makes it harder for burglars to break the glass of your windows.

Outdoor Lighting

Outdoor lighting is imperative since it will deter a lot of potential intruders by making it less appealing as a target. You can even install motion detector outdoor lights throughout your property that will come on when there is movement in the area. These are important to install near all of the entrances into your home as well as dark corners and walkways. Good lighting outside will also help out any security cameras that you have at your home or that your neighbors have in place, since it will be easier to identify a criminal in the area on video.

Keep Landscaping Trimmed

Nothing is more appealing to potential criminals than overgrown shrubs and trees near the doors and windows of a house or building. This is because the overgrown greenery provides plenty of cover for burglars. This means you should keep your landscaping very well maintained and trimmed back away from doors and windows so it makes it harder for potential burglars to gain access to your home without being seen or filmed.

Install a Home Security System

The best type of home security system to invest in is one that features sensors on both the doors and windows of your house as well as motion detectors and a very loud alarm. Most modern security systems are easy to install and will allow you to remotely monitor your property from your smartphone, no matter where you are. These types of home security systems will give you real-time alerts as well as video surveillance and the ability to contact the authorities in case of any type of emergency.

By implementing these simple home security measures, you can significantly reduce the risk of burglary and enhance the safety of your home. Remember, even the smallest steps you can finance can make a big difference when it comes to protecting your property and ensuring the well-being of your family.

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