
Fun Bachelor Party Ideas for a Big Crowd

by Chonce Maddox

fun bachelor party ideas, bachelor party tips, bachelor party ideasBachelor and bachelorette parties are hands down one of the most fun parts of the wedding planning process. Here are a few fun bachelor party ideas for a big crowd.

Planning a Fun Bachelor Party

If you’re a lucky future bride or groom, you may not even have to plan your party. Your party might plan it all for you and you won’t even have to lift a finger! Whether they look into hiring London escorts for your special night, or just take you to one of your favorite local bars.

My husband and I did plan out parties though but tried to keep it pretty simple. My husband had about 10 groomsmen and 2 ushers so he knew he’d have to choose an activity that would accommodate his big crowd and be affordable.

To cut down the costs, he did ask his guys to pitch in for the bachelor party and whether you want to do this or not is ultimately up to you and your wedding budget.

However, a bachelor party is a once-in-a-lifetime event and if you’re not going to fund the whole thing yourself, it’s important to let your friends know ahead of time so they can budget for it and still make an effort to keep costs low.

1. Indoor Skydiving

This bachelor party idea is unique and will leave your groomsmen with long-lasting memories. Indoor skydiving is much cheaper than regular outdoor skydiving and it’s less scary if you’re not a big fan of heights.

With indoor skydiving, you basically enter a vertical wind tunnel and experience a simulation so it feels like you’re going up into the air and flying around but it’s very controlled and you can’t go too high since you’re indoors.

My husband actually did this for one of his bachelor parties and my father even tagged along and loved it. You receive safety tips and training before you put the gear on and may even be able to receive a group rate discount if your group is large enough.

2. Improv Comedy Show

This is a funny bachelor party idea that your guys will be talking about for years to come.

Instead of being a part of the audience at a comedy show, you can opt to attend on improv night when they let guests hop on stage and do skits or create jokes as a team.

It can be a fun way to get all your guys to bond together especially if some people don’t know others as well.

3. Bar Crawl

Bar hopping for the night can be fun as long as you have your closest friends with you. Head to a nightlife area and try out different places.

Take advantage of specials on pitchers and you might even find some cool places that have interesting events going on if you don’t plan ahead to find that out already.

Be sure to use Uber or Lyft for transportation if there’s no designated driver. You can also split a ride with a few people.

4. Casino

For any of your friends who like playing slots or poker, the casino might be a nice place to go. It’s free to get in and drinks are usually free as well so your group won’t have to spend much aside from gambling.

Play for fun and keep the buy-in amounts low so no one runs out of cash. Most casinos even have live performances and events on certain nights so you can take advantage of that as well.

If you feel your group can gamble responsibly and simply enjoy the night out, this could be a great idea for your group.

These bachelor party ideas are just a start, but you don’t have to limit yourself. Feel free to ask your group for advice or recommendations to ensure everyone has a great time.

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Deb Pearl November 28, 2017 - 6:46 am

These are all great ideas for a bachelor party! My fiance has been wondering what he could do for his bachelor party and I think any of these activities would be really fun for him! It is true that this is a once in a lifetime event and it would be important to let his friends know what he decides on.

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Chris Brown January 8, 2017 - 6:02 pm

good list lol when I saw indoor skydiving, I initially thought you meant jumping off balconies until you mentioned wind tunnels.

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Laurie January 7, 2017 - 12:37 pm

I think it is awesome to do something different for your bachelor or bachelorette party. Whether it is going to a brewery, a casino, doing something sporty like going to a game, or going fishing – it will be a great time had by all. Great suggestions, thanks for sharing!

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Jamie December 24, 2016 - 10:09 pm

A comedy show is really a good idea to make the guys bond a bit. Though it’s different from the usual, I still think it’s really a fun alternative.


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