
Valentine’s Day Gifts for Newlyweds

by Tamila McDonald
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valentine's day gifts for newlyweds

Valentines day greeting card with handmade hearts and various gift boxes in front of wooden wall with copy space for your greetings

Valentine’s Day is on the horizon, and many newlyweds are on the hunt of for the perfect gift for their spouse. The issue is, finding the ideal option isn’t always easy. Luckily, there are some excellent presents out there, including some that will work well for most couples. If you aren’t sure where to begin, here are some amazing Valentine’s Day gifts for newlyweds that are worth considering.

Revisit Your First Date (and Photograph the Journey)

For a romantic option that’s a bit quirky, consider revisiting your first date. Take your spouse out for all of the activities you did on the day you first got together, allowing you to relive the moment and reminisce along the way.

If that isn’t an option, you could go for a re-creation instead. Try to prepare the same meals that you had during that first date or rent the movie you went to see together.

If your first date wasn’t great, then choose another moment. You could revisit the date that led to the first “I love you” or the one you went on before the proposal. In any case, there will be great memories along the way.

As you progress through the date, stop at key points to take photographs together. Then, use them to create an album for your spouse. Then, they can revisit those memories again whenever they’d like.

Couple’s Spa Day

If your spouse would enjoy a day (or afternoon) of self-care, consider booking a couple’s spa day. Many spas offer services like massages and body scrubs for two, allowing you to be side by side during the sessions. Plus, you can up the romance with a bottle of champagne, some fresh strawberries, and a bit of chocolate in many cases.

Look for Valentine’s Day packages at spas in your area. If those aren’t available, see what deals they have for couples, as some do offer romantic sessions for two all year-round.

Custom Voiceprint Art

Voiceprint art is an excellent option for a creative, custom gift for your spouse. It converts audio into a sound wave graph, making something spoken visual in an incredibly striking way.

For the recording, capture your own voice saying something special to your spouse. It could be a simple “I love you” followed by their name or a nickname you use, or it could be a word or short phrase that marked an important moment or reflects an inside joke. That way, the voiceprint is particularly special to them.

A Game for Couples

There are several board and card games that are designed specifically for couples. Most of them encourage you to open the lines of communication while having a bit of fun. You’ll get to learn more about each other and spend time together, possibly while having a laugh along the way.

Choose a board or card game that aligns with your personalities. If you aren’t sure where to begin, you could consider:

You can also take it up a notch by getting your spouse’s favorite drinks and snacks ready. That way, they can enjoy a treat while you play.

Can you think of any other amazing Valentine’s Day gifts for newlyweds? Have you received or given any of the gift above and want to tell people about your experience? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

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