
Can Couples Make Money On YouTube?

by Tamila McDonald
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For many couples, the idea of working together to earn income for their household is appealing. While getting a traditional job at the same company or opening a typical small business can work, some couples go another route. There are a surprising number of couples that make money on YouTube instead. If you’re considering this option, here’s what you need to know.

Do Couples Make Money on YouTube?

Some couples do make money on YouTube, and a handful are actually raking in millions of dollars in a year. One example is the channel Meet Kevin, which brought in more than $720,000 through ads and affiliate programs in just one month in 2020.

However, getting to those kinds of earnings isn’t guaranteed. First, it takes time to build a channel to the point where it will qualify for ad revenue, with the fastest route generally taking at least a year and many others requiring far more time to reach that level. Second, even when you become eligible, getting the activity levels required to draw in that amount of money is incredibly challenging.

Among those who qualify for ad revenue, the average YouTuber earns somewhere in the ballpark of $18 per 1,000 ad views. When you break that down, it translates to about $3 to $5 per 1,000 video views. Depending on the types of videos you’re making, it can take a significant amount of time to generate enough views to earn a reliable income from the platform.

How Couples Can Make Money on YouTube

Securing a following on YouTube that’s large enough and reliable enough to earn a solid income begins with high-quality content and a cohesive channel. Often, you need to select a niche that’s reasonably popular but not oversaturated.

Ideally, you want to align your channel topic with an area of expertise or interest. Creating how-tos can be an excellent option, as they tend to have higher view counts, and people commonly turn to YouTube to learn how to tackle tasks. Pet-related content can work well, along with educational, gaming, or science and technology videos.

Once you choose a niche, you need to keep your content aligned with it. Viewers have expectations regarding the videos you create, so bouncing between genres can cost your subscribers.

Additionally, quality matters. You need an excellent camera, solid lighting, and a good microphone. You may even need to create a set or clean up an area of your home to ensure your background is attractive. Creating scripts in advance and rehearsing them is potentially a must, as well, depending on the type of content you make.

It’s also critical to remain consistent. A predictable posting schedule lets subscribers predict when new content arrives, allowing them to create a rhythm. The strategic use of hashtags and SEO for titles and video descriptions is similarly essential, making your content more searchable.

By staying within a genre and consistently creating high-quality content, you’ll attract loyal subscribers. Additionally, you may become a better target for affiliate sales, sponsors, and integrated advertising, allowing you to make more from your venture.

Are you thinking about how you could make money on YouTube as a couple? Have you made money on YouTube with your partner and want to tell others about your experience? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

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